Singlet Micro DCC Accessory Decoder
Designed exclusively for switching turnouts with a servo
No buzzing! - servo turns off at end of throw
Simpler setup - center the servo and mount - no alignment needed
Switch with DCC or the included fascia controller or both
Teach the DCC address with a the programming jumper on - no CVs to program
The singlet Micro Singlet is a simple servo decoder designed to drive turnouts and only turnouts. It solves the problem of servo buzzing by turning the servo off at the end of the throw. Special circuitry and programming has been built in to accomplish this without a large jerk at restart.
The Micro Singlet works uses a pushbutton for controlling the turnout manually for local control. The same fascia controller used by my other servo boards can be used. It will not work with a toggle switch.
Installation is simple. It is designed to work with a servo under the table using the geometry of the SwitchWright bracket. This mounting method provides an over the center spring action that keeps the points in place after the servo turns off. After years of trying various methods, this method really works the best and avoids the servo buzzing that happens when they are fighting to keep the points in place. Centering for mounting the servo is done by holding down the fascia controller button until the servo drives to the center. A tap on the button releases it from centering mode.